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Khelo Chess India Fide Rating Income-Expenditure Statement

by Niklesh Jain - 28/06/2024

Friends, thanks to the special support from members of Hindi ChessBase India, we have successfully organized an international classic rating tournament in Bhopal for the first time under the "Khelo Chess India" campaign. While organizing this tournament, our main goal was to conduct a world-class tournament that would reach every section of society. With this in mind, we made the tournament a six-day event to give players some rest between matches. Additionally, the entry fee was set at only 600 rupees. Due to its social message, the World Chess Federation included it as part of the prestigious FIDE 100 series, making it the first such tournament in the country.Friends, for any event organized through collective contributions, we believe it is essential to present the income and expenditure details transparently. So, read the full article.

Khelo Chess India FIDE 100 Classical FIDE Rating Chess Tournament - Income and Expenditure Statement

At the beginning of this month, ChessBase India, with the support of Hindi ChessBase India YouTube members, organized the first Khelo Chess India tournament from June 4th to 9th.

Shreyas Das from Delhi won the title of this tournament. Read this article to learn more.

To understand the outline of this tournament, we need to go back to March.

During the tenth round of the FIDE Candidates Tournament, renowned comedian Samay Raina and Hindi ChessBase head Nikhilesh Jain discussed this campaign and the challenges of organizing chess tournaments. During this discussion, several subscriber members expressed their willingness to support this campaign. Following Samay Raina's appeal, people started sending us funds. This campaign continued during the 11th round, and we managed to collect approximately 1,07,000 rupees. Read the full article.

Within a few days, we announced the organization of a Classical FIDE Rating Tournament. We set the prize money for this tournament at 64,000 rupees and the entry fee at 600 rupees. Some top players from the state were given free entry, and players associated with the army and their families were given entry for 500 rupees. Through entry fees, we collected a total of 1,03,200 rupees. Thus, we received a total of 2,10,860 rupees.

After accounting for all tournament expenses, we had a surplus of 23,045 rupees.

What's next?

We added some more funds to this amount and planned to organize another FIDE Rating Tournament on July 20th, International Chess Day.

This tournament will not only be a Blitz FIDE Rating event but also a part of the FIDE 100 series and an attempt to set a world record.

Read more for additional information.

If you wish to support our campaign, please contact us at


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