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Aishwin Daniel wins Khelo Chess India Late R Satyamurthy Memorial Rapid Open 2023

by Niklesh Jain - 27/01/2023

Aishwin Daniel won the first Khelo Chess India Rapid Open 2023. The tournament was organized in Bhopal with the aim of taking chess to every household in the central India. Aishwin scored 6/7, remained undefeated, edged past three more players to become the champion. It was held in memory of Late R Satyamurthy, the first National chess player of Madhya Pradesh. Vedant Bhardwaj, Ravi Pallsule and Rajeev Singh Parihar also scored 6/7. They were placed second to fourth respectively according to tie-breaks. WGM Beatriz Franco was the only foreign player to take part. She won the best woman prize scoring 5.5/7. The total prize fund of the tournament was ₹14100. Photo: Ayush Jain

In memory of Late R Satyamurthy

Aishwin Daniel made a good start to 2023 by winning the first tournament he took part in this year. The top seed of the tournament, WGM Beatriz Franco (COL) became the best female performer of the event.

Champion - Aishwin Daniel 6/7 | Photo: Ayush Jain

The tournament was organized in memory of Late R Satyamurthy

Second seeded Aishwin Daniel scored an unbeaten 5/7, five wins and two draws

Aishwin Daniel was held to a draw by the newly crowned National Under-9 Open champion - Madhvendra Pratap Sharma | Photo: Ayush Jain

WIM Angela Franco inaugurated the final round by making the first move on the top board battle between Vedant Bhardwaj and Aishwin Daniel
Interview with the champion - Aishwin Daniel (Hindi audio) | Video: Hindi ChessBase India

Runner-up - Vedant Bhardwaj 6/7

Second Runner-up - Ravi Palsule 6/7

Top seed WGM Franco Valencia Beatriz Irene (COL) increased the stature of the tournament by taking part in it

WGM Franco Valencia Beatriz Irene won the Best Woman prize

Best Under-8 - Medant Jain 3/7

Best Under-10 - Madhvendra Pratap Sharma 5.5/7

Best Under-12 - Kanishka Choudhary 5/7

Best Veteran - Rajeev Singh Parihar 6/7

Dr. Aradhana Gupta delivering her speech

The Chief Guest of the prize distribution ceremony was Dr. Aradhana Gupta. WIM Angela Franco, M L Khatri, Ms. Nirmala Shankar and the Tournament Director, Shankar Murthy distributed the prizes. FI Niklesh Jain was the Chief Arbiter of the tournament.

Ayush Jain was the arbiter of the tournament

If these trophies entice you to take part in the tournament, get ready for the next edition in March | Photo: Niklesh Jain

The Khelo Chess India medals | Photo: Niklesh Jain

It was a priority for us to ensure each table has only one game commencing on it

There were ample space between two tables | Photo: Ayush Jain

The audience at the closing ceremony

Late R Satyamurthy's son Shankar Murthy was the Tournament Director

Former Madhya Pradesh state champion, Shahid Azmat also increased the prestige of the event by taking part in it | Photo: Ayush Jain

All prize winners in one frame

Check out all photos of the tournament

A total of 73 players including a WGM took part from various parts of Madhya Pradesh and one from Columbia. The one-day seven-round Swiss league Rapid Open tournament was organized by ChessBase India on 22nd January 2023. The time control of the tournament was 15 minutes + 10 seconds increment from move no.1.

Final standings

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
12Aishwin, DanielIND19796323630,2505
26Vedant, BhardwajIND159563032,528,2505
317Ravi, PalsuleIND1313629,532,526,5006
45Parihar, Rajeev SinghIND16216252822,0006
514Nitin, RaghuvanshiIND13595,52930,521,7505
67Madhvendra, Pratap SharmaIND15775,5273021,0005
71WGMFranco Valencia, Beatriz IreneCOL20585,526,52819,2505
877Varun, SharmaIND0528,53119,5005
910Batham, AvinashIND1507527,52918,0005
1016Sanyam, AryaIND1315526,529,519,5005
1166Shahid, NoorIND05262918,5005
1278Yadav, PradyumnaIND0524,52717,0005



Translated from Hindi by Shahid Ahmed

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