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Valentin Baidetskyi wins 35th Schwarzacher Open 2022, Praveen Kumar third

by Shahid Ahmed - 14/08/2022

IM Praveen Kumar C started the 35th Schwarzacher Open 2022 with 0.5/2. He won the next four games and then drew with the second seed GM Robert Zelcic (CRO). He defeated the top seed GM Mladen Palac (CRO) in the penultimate round. A draw in the last round against IM Valentin Baidetskyi (UKR) and GM Alexandre Dgebuadze's (BEL) win ensured all three of them end the event with the same score 6.5/9. Baidetskyi, Dgebuadze and Praveen were placed first, second and third according to tie-breaks. Top three prizes were €2500, €1500 and €100 each. The main category having only 34 participants made it almost like a strong closed event. Photo: Official site

Top three finish with the same score 6.5/9

Sometimes a player does not have a perfect or let's say a desirable start. That does not mean he will not have a good finish. One must persevere tough times and wait for the light at the end of the tunnel because that is what exactly IM Praveen Kumar C. Despite having a forgettable start by losing the second round game in a completely winning position, he did not give up. He continued his fight and won the next four games convincingly. In the penultimate round, he was presented a half chance, he took it and beat the top seed.

Top 3 (L to R) - 1st IM Valentin Baidetskyi (UKR) 6.5/9, 3rd IM Praveen Kumar C and 2nd GM Alexandre Dgebuadze (BEL) 6.5/9 | Photo: Official site

Mladen - Praveen, Round 8

Position after 28.h4

What would you choose to do after 28.h4 ? Would you take it or make a more pragmatic approach like 28...Bd8/e7/f6 ? Well if you are like Praveen or me, or any other player who cannot resist the temptation to break the kingside wide open and see what happens with the endless possibilities, 28...Bxh4 is the first and only option that will come to your mind. Computer may not recommend or like it, that is the beauty of chess, only a human mind can comprehend that 28...Bxh4 gives Black a real practical chance. When you are playing against the top seed on the top board in the penultimate round, tournament leadership is hanging in the balance, you have to take every opportunity you get, else you might just be full of regret after the game gets over. 29.gxh4 f4 30.Rfa1 Qxh4 31.Qf1 g5 and Black went on to win the game in another ten moves. Sure, White did not defend correctly because he is a human which makes it difficult for him to the correct defenses.

IM Praveen Kumar C scored 6.5/9 to finish third on tie-breaks and gained 36.9 Elo rating points

The playing arena was Ceremony hall of the community of Schwarzach in Salzburg, Austria | Photo: Official site

A total of 34 players including 5 GMs and 6 IMs from 8 countries across the world took part in the main tournament. 45 players participated in the category B (1700-2099) and category C witnessed the participation of 23 players. Thus the combined total participation is 102. The 13-round Blitz event saw 51 players including 4 GMs and 5 IMs taking part from 12 countries. The entire event was organized by Sportverein Schwarzach, Sektion Schach from 17th to 24th July 2022 at Ceremony hall of the community of Schwarzach in Salzburg, Austria. The time control was 90 minutes/40 moves + 30 minutes + 30 seconds increment from move no.1.

Replay all games

Final standings in main category

Rk.SNo NameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
IMBaidetskyi ValentinUKR24436,538,54834,25
GMDgebuadze AlexandreBEL24586,5354531,25
IMPraveen Kumar CIND21436,5344329,50
GMPalac MladenCRO2519640,551,533,50
Keleberda TymurUKR2141639,550,531,75
GMZelcic RobertCRO249663847,529,25
FMOstovic MatijaCRO23916344326,25
CMBauer ThomasAUT2228631,540,524,00
IMSrbis JuricaCRO24725,53544,523,00
IMSchreiner PeterAUT24165,53140,523,25



Official site

Tournament details

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