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3rd Gujarat GM Open R8: Neelotpal neutralizes Neuris, takes sole lead

by Shahid Ahmed - 06/04/2022

GM Neelotpal Das beat Paraguay no.1 GM Neuris Delgado Ramirez to grab sole lead at the conclusion of Round 8 at 3rd Gujarat International GM Open 2022. He is now a half point ahead of the field 7.5/8. IM Srihari L R drew his game with IM Ortik Nigmatov (UZB). Both of them along with GM Stany G A and IM Abdisalimov Abdimalik (UZB) are at 7.0/8 each. IM Anuj Shrivatri, WIM Arpita Mukherjee and FM Kashish Manoj Jain scored big victories over GM Hesham Abdelrahman (EGY), GM Adham Fawzy (EGY) and GM Mikel Huerga Leache (ESP) respectively. Round 9 starts today at 10:00 a.m. IST. Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Anuj, Arpita and Kashish are the GM slayers

IM C R G Krishna drew with GM Laxman R R. Ritviz Parab and Sahib Singh beat IM Romesh Weerawardane (SRI) and IM Suvrajit Saha respectively. Santu Mondal, CM Daakshin Arun, Adireddy Arjun and Chidvilash Sai Surapaneni drew with an IM each. Srithan Saypuri drew with WIM Sakshi Chitlange.

IM Anuj Shrivatri scored four wins in-a-row| Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Neelotpal - Neuris: 1-0

GM Neelotpal Das (2409) made a short work of Paraguay no.1 GM Neuris Delgado Ramirez (2622).

Position after 15...Bh6

15...Bh6 just loses a couple of valuable tempi for Black. 16.Bxh6 Rxh6 20.Qg5 Rh8 21.Nd5 Bxd5 only worsened things further 22.Rxd5 and White's attack flows freely. Soon Black lost an exchange and the position became completely lost.

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GM Neelotpal Das beats GM Neuris Delgado Ramirez (PAR, 2622) | Video: ChessBase India
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Neelotpal is on a roll | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

IM Ortik Nigmatov (UZB)- IM Srihari L R: 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

GM Stany G A beat IM Vignesh N R to get into the title fray | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

IM Abdisalimov Abdimalik (UZB) - GM Azer Mirzoev (AZE): 1-0 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Anuj - Hesham: 1-0

IM Anuj Shrivatri (2350) outplayed GM Hesham Abdelrahman (EGY, 2424).

Position after 22.Bd3

White's position looks absolutely pleasant after 22.Bd3. It would take a computer like precision for Black to save the game. 22...Bd7 23.gxf5 gxf5 opening the g-file turned out to be a bad idea. 23...Nxg5 first 24.fxg5 and then gxf5 would have given Black some fighting chances. Anuj converted his advantage without any difficulty.

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IM Anuj Shrivatri beat the first GM he faced in this event - Hesham Abdelrahman (EGY) | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Adham - Arpita: 1-0

WIM Arpita Mukherjee (2260) had a good pawn mass at the center of the board against GM Adham Fawzy (EGY, 2490).

Position after 30.Nd4

30.Nf4 could have prevented Black from rolling the pawns down the board with ease. 30.Nd4 allowed Black to free up the position Bc5 31.Nxf5 Bxe3+ 32.Nxe3 Bxe6 gave Black a decisive advantage. Adham eventually got an opportunity to force a draw via perpetual check 49.Nd5+. However, he missed it due to being down in time.

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WIM Arpita Mukherjee beats GM Adham Fawzy | Video: ChessBase India

GM Adham Fawzy (EGY) missed his opportunity to save the game against WIM Arpita Mukherjee | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Mikel - Kashish: 0-1

A mutual error caused by time scramble allowed FM Kashish Manoj Jain (2162) to beat GM Mikel Huerga Leache (2471).

Position after 55.Rxe7

54...Kxh5?? was a mistake by Black which his opponent was unable to spot. 55.Rh1+ Kg6 56.Qh6+ Kf7 57.Rf1 and it's over for Black. Instead, White made a bigger mistake 55.Rxe7?? Kashish pounced on his opportunity 55...Qf3+ 56.Kh2 Qf2+ 57.Qxf2 Bxf2 58.Kg2 c1Q White resigned.

How to train to gain 100 Elo points! - FM Kashish Manoj Jain at 3rd Gujarat GM 2022 | Video: ChessBase India

GM Mikel Huerga Leache (ESP) made the final mistake against FM Kashish Manoj Jain | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy
Getting your knight trapped in the center of the board | IM Sammed Shete vs FM L M S T De Silva | Video: ChessBase India

IM Viani Antonio - Santu Mondal: 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

CM Daakshin Arun - IM Moksh Amit Doshi: 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

IM Rajesh V A V - Adireddy Arjun: 0.5-0.5 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Sahib Singh - IM Suvrajit Saha: 1-0 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

For more Round 8 photos, please click here.


A total of 374 players including 14 GMs, 30 IMs and 3 WIM are taking part from 14 countries across the world including India. The tournament is organized by Gujarat State Chess Association from 31st March to 7th April 2022 at Karnavati Club, Ahmedabad. The ten-round Swiss league tournament has a time control of 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment from move no.1.

Replay Round 8 games

Round 8 results

114IMNigmatov Ortik2445Uzbekistan½ - ½IMSrihari L R2400India26
222GMNeelotpal Das2409India1 - 06GMDelgado Ramirez Neuris2622Paraguay1
315IMVignesh N R2444India60 - 16GMStany G.A.2517India3
416IMAbdisalimov Abdimalik2435Uzbekistan61 - 06GMMirzoev Azer2476Azerbaijan9
517GMLaxman R.R.2429India6½ - ½6IMKrishna C R G2466India11
64GMHarsha Bharathakoti2499India1 - 0IMAudi Ameya2418India21
75GMVenkatesh M.R.2493India1 - 0IMGusain Himal2408India23
832IMSidhant Mohapatra2359India½ - ½IMNeelash SahaGJ2445India13
933IMKonguvel Ponnuswamy2358India½ - ½IMNitin S.2427India18
1034IMAnuj Shrivatri2350India1 - 0GMHesham Abdelrahman2424Egypt19
1120IMMehar Chinna Reddy C.H.2422India1 - 0Vrashank ChouhanU151790India105
122GMSavchenko Boris253551 - 05IMManish Anto Cristiano F2236India53
136GMFawzy Adham2490Egypt50 - 15WIMArpita Mukherjee2260India51
1410GMHuerga Leache Mikel2471Spain50 - 15FMJain Kashish Manoj2162India63
1524IMSammed Jaykumar Shete2408India51 - 05FMDe Silva L M S T2220Srilanka55
1648FMJeet JainGJ2279India50 - 15IMShahil DeyU152400India25
1756WIMPriyanka K2215India50 - 15GMKarthikeyan P.2397India27
1828IMViani Antonio Dcunha2397India5½ - ½5Santu Mondal2063CCSCSB70
1962CMDaakshin ArunU152173India5½ - ½5IMMoksh Amit DoshiGJ2396India29
2030IMRajesh V A V2376India5½ - ½5Adireddy ArjunU151796India103


Round 9 pairings

126IMSrihari L R2400India7GMNeelotpal Das2409India22
23GMStany G.A.2517India77IMNigmatov Ortik2445Uzbekistan14
34GMHarsha Bharathakoti2499India7IMAbdisalimov Abdimalik2435Uzbekistan16
420IMMehar Chinna Reddy C.H.2422IndiaGMVenkatesh M.R.2493India5
511IMKrishna C R G2466IndiaIMAnuj Shrivatri2350India34
69GMMirzoev Azer2476Azerbaijan6GMLaxman R.R.2429India17
71GMDelgado Ramirez Neuris2622Paraguay66Ritviz Parab2349India35
841IMSai Agni Jeevitesh J2316India66GMSavchenko Boris25352
913IMNeelash SahaGJ2445India66FMLiyanage Ranindu Dilshan2340Srilanka37
1043FMAyush Sharma2302India66IMVignesh N R2444India15
1118IMNitin S.2427India66FMWagh Suyog2328India38
1247Kaustuv Kundu2281India66IMSammed Jaykumar Shete2408India24
1325IMShahil DeyU152400India66Garv RaiU151869India94
1427GMKarthikeyan P.2397India66IMRatnakaran K.2316India40
1551WIMArpita Mukherjee2260India66IMSidhant Mohapatra2359India32
1663FMJain Kashish Manoj2162India66IMKonguvel Ponnuswamy2358India33
177GMChanda Sandipan2485IndiaFMRam Aravind L N2127India66
1870Santu Mondal2063CCSCSBIMRaahul V S2478India8
1919GMHesham Abdelrahman2424EgyptIMSahu Sekhar Chandra2049India72
2021IMAudi Ameya2418IndiaShiva Pavan Teja Sharma U2022India74


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